Begin your speech pathology journey with support

Enquire today 0416 693 994


  • "Sophie's language delay was affecting her social skills. Speech therapy helped her become more chatty with her friends."

    Parent of a happy talker, age 5.


  • "My son's progress since speech therapy with Vanessa has been remarkable. My wife and I have learned how to communicate with him and help him use more words in everyday life."

    Mick, Dad of a 4 year old.


  • "Our daughter now gets through her school day with so much more independence! She follows her teacher's instructions without the confusion she used to face."

    Sam, Mother of a 7 year old.


Parent training

You will become your child’s “personal speech therapist” by learning skills and tools to communicate with your child effectively.


One size does not fit all.
Everyone has unique needs and sessions will be tailored around you!


Your therapy approach is supported by research evidence and clinical experience.

About Speech Therapy

  • Expressive & Receptive Language

  • Speech & Articulation

  • Reading & Writing

  • Alternative & Augmentative Communication

  • Feeding & Swallowing

  • Speech Therapy for children

  • Speech Therapy for adults & elderly

Our Services

We offer home visits and telehealth services.

  • Speech Pathology Assessments and Reports

  • On-going Speech Therapy

  • Home Visits & School Visits

  • Telehealth (via Teams Meeting)

  • Parent Training

  • Swallowing Assessment & Swallowing Assessment Report

  • IDDSI Training (for caregivers, nursing homes, and disability group homes)

  • Speech sessions can be supported in Cantonese & Mandarin

Vanessa Chan

  • Director & Certified Practising Speech Pathologist

  • Master of Speech-Language Pathology

  • Cantonese, Mandarin and English

Vanessa is a passionate and caring speech-language pathologist who strives to help children with communication difficulties communicate in a fun and engaging way. She has worked with a range of diagnoses, including Autism Spectrum Disorder, Global Developmental Delay, and Intellectual Disability, providing speech and language intervention. Vanessa regularly engages in professional development, she has completed the following evidence-based training courses: